Traditional Russian Dance Ensemble "Kalinka" of Baltimore was formed in 2002 by a group of character dance enthusiasts. The ensemble, based in Baltimore, MD, has earned a reputation as a leading presenter of folk choreographed character dance in Washington-Baltimore area. Kalinka is an amateur group with professional standards.  WATCH a VOICE OF AMERICA video about our story HERE. 


Since 2020, the group has established a new home at the Slayton House, Columbia. With the membership growiing in size and diversity, in 2023 Kalinka dancers were invited to represent folk dancing of Estern Europe at the World Culture Festival at the National Mall in Washington, DC. 

Between 2002 and 2015 Kalinka has been rehearsing and performing with The Washington Balalaika Society Orchestra and The St. Petersburg Quartet on different stages within Baltimore- Washington area. The list of gigs included the Russian Embassy in Washington DC, The Lyric Opera House, Russian Noble Society Ball, Northern Virginia Community College, Montgomery College, UMBC (Catonsville), Gordon Center for Performing Arts, Russian Festival in Baltimore as well as various clubs, community functions, and private parties.  In June 2016 the group was featured at the "Our Heritage" Festival in New York City (Anglo-American Foundation). In January 2019, the group enjoyed their debut at the main stage of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Post-COVID, Kalinka dancers collaborated with other performing artists to initiate humanitarian programs to support families displaced by the war in Ukraine.